Master of Arts in Music

The Master of Arts program provides advanced study for musicians and music scholars in preparation of professional careers or doctoral study. The program in music includes a required core of studies in performance, history and theory. Emphases in various areas of music are dependent on the specific needs and objectives of each student. Within this degree, students may consider using at least 10 elective credits to emphasize. View the Master of Arts in Music admissions requirements.

Program Emphases

Degree Requirements (M.A. in Music)

Total Degree Program Requirements (30 credits)

  • Bibliography and Research (3)
  • Music History Period Courses (6)
  • Analytical Techniques (3)
  • Advanced Applied Music (2) 
  • Graduate Recital (6), or Graduate Lecture Recital (6), or Thesis (6)

An additional 10 semester hours in supporting elective studies are to be determined in consultation between student and adviser. These courses can include courses selected from the graduate catalog, up to six semester hours in private directed research with a member of the graduate faculty, additional private applied lessons, and performance in university ensembles.

Music Composition

Students emphasizing music composition generally enroll in elective courses in music composition, orchestration and arranging, music analysis, and digital audio recording techniques. Students are given individualized attention from professionally active graduate faculty, and have access to a wide variety of performing ensembles, a ProTools 192kHz recording system, surround sound mixing, Max/MSP and Apple Logic Studio Professional software. A graduate music composition recital typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis.

Music Performance

Students emphasizing music performance generally enroll in elective courses in applied music, music pedagogy, score reading, and perform in a variety of music ensembles. Students are given individualized attention from professionally active graduate faculty with ample opportunities to refine performance skills in university ensembles. A graduate recital typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis.

Music Education

Students emphasizing music education generally enroll in elective courses in music education, along with other areas of interest, which may include conducting, applied lessons, ensembles, and/or other music education-related courses. Students with a music education emphasis generally elect the research thesis on a music education-related topic as their capstone. This emphasis deepens students’ knowledge and skills to prepare them for expanded teaching practice in the profession or advanced doctoral study in music education.

Computer Music

Students emphasizing computer music generally enroll in elective courses in consultation with their advisor that focus on the use of digital technologies to compose, produce and distribute music. Students are given individualized attention from professionally active graduate faculty who actively consult with commercial entities working in the music business. Close contact with the engineering department at the University of Glasgow (Scotland) makes collaborative projects with Scottish researchers an integral part of the program. A graduate thesis typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis. Recent student theses have dealt with the creation of new digital musical instruments, psycho-acoustics and distributive real-time network systems.

Music Theory

Students emphasizing music theory generally enroll in elective courses in consultation with their advisor that focus on music analysis and the concentrated study of music from specific periods in music history. A graduate thesis typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis. Recent student theses have dealt with stylistic comparisons.


Students emphasizing conducting generally enroll in elective courses in vocal and instrumental conducting, score reading, and perform in a variety of music ensembles. Students are given individualized attention from graduate faculty with ample opportunities to refine conducting skills in front of university ensembles. A graduate conducting recital typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis.

Music History

Students emphasizing music history generally enroll in elective courses in consultation with their advisor that focus on music history and the concentrated study of music from specific periods in music history. A graduate thesis typically serves as the capstone experience for this emphasis.