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A problem

Graph tex2html_wrap_inline27.

First we find tex2html_wrap_inline29tex2html_wrap_inline31 We shall determine the signs of tex2html_wrap_inline33 this is a difficult one to check, but we shall check the signs from both numerator and denominator. Note that the signs of numerator depends on if tex2html_wrap_inline35 or tex2html_wrap_inline37 which means if x>3 or x<3.

(1) We see that f is decreasing in (-1,3) and increasing in tex2html_wrap_inline49

(2) f has a minimum at x=3, f(3)=-5.

(3) Note that tex2html_wrap_inline57

(4) Use plot(x - 4*sqrt(x+1), x=-2..3, thickness=3); to check your answer.

Mon Nov 18 21:11:38 EST 1996