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Rational Function

If tex2html_wrap_inline48, where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomial functions, then f(x) is said to be a rational funtion.

Objective: We want to know how to graph a rational function.

Example 1: Let tex2html_wrap_inline56 Graph f.

(1) Vertical Asymptote(s).

First, we set denominators tex2html_wrap_inline60 we get x=1 and x=2, these are called the vertical asymtotes of f. In short, these are vertical lines that the graph of f will get very close to. So let's investigate the following cases:

(a) As tex2html_wrap_inline70 (this means x approaches to 1 from the right, say x=1.0001), we get tex2html_wrap_inline78 (this measns that the outputs will tend to tex2html_wrap_inline80

(b) As tex2html_wrap_inline82 (this means x approaches to 1 from the left, say x=0.999, note that it does not mean x approaches to -1), we get tex2html_wrap_inline94

(c) As tex2html_wrap_inline96 say x=2.0001, we get tex2html_wrap_inline100

(d) As tex2html_wrap_inline102 say x=1.9999, we get tex2html_wrap_inline106

(2) Horizontal Asymptote:

As tex2html_wrap_inline108, say x=105, tex2html_wrap_inline112 and as tex2ht

ml_wrap_inline114 say x=-105, tex2html_wrap_inline118 Therefore the horizontal asymtote for f is y=0.

(3) Find the interval(s) where f is increasing or decreasing.

We rewrite tex2html_wrap_inline126 (note. I mistyped "3", it should be "2") so tex2html_wrap_inline128 ("3" should be "2" here again) (chain rule).

Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline130 ("3" should be "2" again) Now we need to make a table for tex2html_wrap_inline132 (because tex2html_wrap_inline134 is not in standard form, so we can't apply the short cut to solve the inequality).


Thus, f is increasing in tex2html_wrap_inline140 tex2html_wrap_inline142 and decreasing in tex2html_wrap_inline144 and f has a maximum at tex2html_wrap_inline148 tex2html_wrap_inline150 (note: it should be increasing in (-infinity, 3/2) union (2, infinity). It decreases in (3/2,2).)

(4) Sketch the graph of f.

Let's use Interactive Maple. to graph the function. Maple syntax: plot(2/((x-1)*(x-2)), x = -1..3, y = -50..50);