BOV dines with student leaders from across the university


Radford University President Brian O. Hemphill and the Radford University Board of Visitors (BOV) dined with student leaders from across the university on Sept. 14.

The group sat at a large community table in Dalton Hall where they engaged with the students to hear ideas from the BOV and President Hemphill. During the lunch, the students spoke about Radford, their personal academic goals and increasing student involvement at the university.

Julianna Stanley, president of the Student Government Association, said that she appreciated the opportunity to have lunch with members of the BOV.

“I’m thankful for all the support that they give Radford University and to the students,” Stanley said. “It was great to hear some of their words of advice for us and for our futures. They really want to help Radford students and better their experience here. They’re great advocates for our students and for our university.”

Lawrence Davin, a member of the Diversity Awareness Programming Board, previously met members of the BOV when he attended Radford’s Advocacy Day in Richmond this past spring.

“They came down to our level and asked us what we wanted to see and what we wanted to improve at Radford,” Davin said. “They are one of us – they’re Highlanders, too.”

R-SPaCE President N’Taezha Davis said that it was an honor to be invited to meet with the BOV.

“It was a humbling experience to be able to sit and share why I love Radford with people who also love Radford as much as I do,” she said.


While speaking with BOV members during the lunch, Panhellenic President Susannah Davis said that the BOV was invested in her life outside of Radford.

“I am really interested in nonprofits – and they were really interested in that. I sat down and I immediately just started connecting with them. They were really personable and friendly,” she said. “They were genuinely interested in me and not just my life at Radford.”

Jacob Greeno, captain of the Radford Rugby Club Team, said the BOV also wanted the students’ perspective on housing and retention efforts.


“When I first came here, I got introduced to a club,” Greeno said. “That’s how I was locked into Radford University. I was also able to talk about how the school supports us, is there for us, and how clubs can really start a fire for students so they are able to succeed.” 

Hannah Stewart, a member of the Radford University EMS and the Honors Academy, and Matthew Johnson, editor-in-chief of Exit 109, both appreciated the BOV’s hands-on involvement of the BOV.

Johnson said having lunch with them in Dalton Dining Hall gave him a sense of confidence that the BOV pays attention to students’ needs.

“It really helps to bridge the perceived gap between higher administration and the students,” Johnson said. “The fact that they took such a concerted effort to experience what we experience speaks volumes.”

Stewart appreciated the different approach taken by the BOV and the perspective offered by the board.

“This is what Radford is really about – student involvement and turning us into leaders for tomorrow,” Stewart said. “They’re really good role models.”


Sep 15, 2017
Max Esterhuizen
(540) 831-7749