Makerspaces on Campus

Radford University has developed an ecosystem of MakerSpaces to empower faculty and students create the objects of their imagination. The following locations are available to students.

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) New Media Center. THE CITL, located in McConnell Library, 2nd floor (main entrance room 271), represents a base of operations for the convergence of media, design, making, outreach, innovation, research and creativity-driven teaching and learning. Lab resources include hardware and software for digital media creation, software development, scanning, electronic presentations, desktop audio and video, and CD/DVD creation. In addition, the space houses stations for sewing, vinyl cutting, heat pressing, drone research, badge/button creation, and Max/MSP and Raspberry Pi development.

Faculty, staff and student activities range consultation; small group workshops; mentoring; faculty development; teaching systems R&D; media convergence; electronics and robotics; instructional media developmentl programming and design; K12 and community outreach; and, digital media creation and management.

The CITL also maintains the iLAB workspace (room 220). This area contains modular furniture and the Crestron classroom technology system, and can be configured for classroom sessions and meetings, workshops and ad-hoc Make activities.

Department of Design Make Lab. The Design Makerspace is located in McGuffey Hall and was built to give design students an outlet to realize creative ideas in physical form. The spaces and equipment are used primarily by students in interior design, fashion design, merchandising and design management. Through partnerships and interdisciplinary projects, the spaces also see use from students and faculty campus-wide. Recent collaborations include business, biology, theatre, and computer science.  




Peery Makerspace. The Peery Makerspace grew out of a cross-disciplinary faculty Maker movement, and is located in the Peery Residence Hall as an anchor for our Makers living-learning community. Faculty from the Colleges of Visual and Performing Arts, Science and Technology, and Business and Economics are the leaders in this initiative. The students in the living-learning community are the primary users of the space, with dedicated staff for approximately 30 hours per week. Students and faculty are able to utilize the space equipped with 3-D printers, power tools, a laser cutter, and more at any time during the Makerspace operational hours.



Spring 2020 Peery Hall Makerspace Hours (open to all faculty and students):

Monday: 2pm-7pm

Tuesday: 2pm-7pm

Wednesday: 12pm-7pm

Thursday: 2pm-7pm

Friday: 3pm-8pm 

Saturday: 12pm-3pm