
The Intern Responsibilities:

  • To begin the process by initiating contact with the internship coordinator in his/her college or department
  • To use the available resources in the department and the office of Career Services to identify potential internship sites
  • To write a resume, cover letter and other documents needed to apply for the internship
  • Attend an orientation session that the academic department offers
  • To develop a set of learning objectives
  • To work with the internship site and an appropriate member of the teaching faculty to develop an academic plan that will achieve those learning objectives
  • To arrange a work schedule with the internship site and register for the academic credit approved by the internship coordinator
  • To insure all paperwork is signed and returned to the appropriate university office
  • To act in a professional manner and in accordance with the judicial policies of the Radford University Student Handbook
  • To perform internship duties punctually, carefully, and conscientiously
  • To contact the faculty coordinator on a regularly scheduled basis, and if required, to meet with the faculty coordinator for an exit interview.

The Faculty Coordinator Responsibilities:

  • To assist students in developing learning objectives and an academic plan
  • To verify the academic validity of the internship
  • To establish academic criteria for evaluation of the student
  • To maintain regularly scheduled contact with the student and the site during the course of the internship
  • To provide internship sites with mid-term and final evaluation forms
  • To evaluate academic projects completed as part of the internship
  • To determine the intern’s final grade for the internship
  • To work closely with the Office of Career Services to meet the students’ needs
  • To provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Career Services for assessment and reporting purposes
  • To maintain existing employer relationships and to cultivate any new employer relationships

The Site Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • To provide students with an orientation
  • To assist in the completion of the intern’s learning contract by offering suggestions regarding: Feasibility – Are the objectives defined by the student and faculty coordinator appropriate and achievable in light of the intern’s work role? Activities/Resources – What can be used to achieve each objective? Verification – In what specific ways can the student’s progress be identified and evaluated?
  • To assign challenging tasks and projects that will promote the achievement of the student’s learning objectives.
  • To provide positive and negative feedback to the intern on a regular basis.
  • To complete an evaluation of the intern to detail progress and to assess the intern’s behavior, work skills, and attitudes.