Parabolic Functions

For f(x)=ax2+bx+c,

  1. if a>0, then the parabola opens upward,
  2. if a<0, then the parabola opens downward,
  3. the vertex of f is tex2html_wrap_inline40 tex2html_wrap_inline42
  4. the y-intercept is (0, f(0)) or (0,c),
  5. to find the x-intercept(s), we set y=0 and solve for x, so it amounts to solve a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0, which suggests that we have three possibilities:

    1. If D=b2-4ac>0, then y=f(x) has two x-intercepts.
    2. If D=b2-4ac=0, then y=f(x) has one x-intercept, which is the vertex.
    3. If D=b2-4ac<0, thne y=f(x) has no x-intercept.


  1. For f(x)=3x2-6x+4,

    1. find the vertex of y=f(x),
    2. find the x and y intercepts,
    3. sketch the graph of f.
  2. For f(x)=x2-6x+4,

    1. find the vertex of y=f(x),
    2. find the x and y intercepts,
    3. sketch the graph of f.
  3. For f(x)=ax2+2x+4, then

    1. find a so that the graph of y=f(x) has exactly one x-intercept,
    2. find a so that the graph of y=f(x) has two x-intercepts,
    3. find a so that the graph of y=f(x) has no x-intercept.
  4. For f(x)=-x2+2x+c, then

    1. find c so that the graph of y=f(x) has exactly one x-intercept,
    2. find c so that the graph of y=f(x) has two x-intercepts,
    3. find c so that the graph of y=f(x) has no x-intercept.

Graphs and Inequalities for quadratic functions.

  1. For tex2html_wrap_inline138

    1. find the vertex of the graph of y=f(x), (hint: f(x)=x2-6x+8)
    2. find the x and y-intercepts for the graphs of y=f(x),
    3. sketch the graph of f, (Maple syntax: plot((x-2)*(x-4),x=0..6);)
    4. find the interval(s) where f(x)>0 or f(x)<0. [This is to solve x so that tex2html_wrap_inline158 or tex2html_wrap_inline160 By solving the inequailities, we get f(x)>0 when x tex2html_wrap_inline166 and f(x)<0 when tex2html_wrap_inline170
  2. For tex2html_wrap_inline172

    1. find the vertex of the graph of y=f(x), (hint: f(x)=-x2+6x-8)
    2. find the x and y-intercepts for the graphs of y=f(x),
    3. sketch the graph of f, (Maple syntax: plot(-(x-2)*(x-4),x=0..6);)
    4. find the interval(s) where f(x)>0 or f(x)<0. [This is to solve x so that tex2html_wrap_inline192 or tex2html_wrap_inline194 By solving the inequailities, we get f(x)>0 when x tex2html_wrap_inline200 and f(x)<0 when tex2html_wrap_inline204

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