Exercises on Distance, Midpoint Formulae, Standard Equation of a Circle, and Concepts of Functions

  1. Let $P=(x_{1},y_{1}),$ $Q=(x_{2},y_{2}).$ Then we have the followings.

    1. Distance MATH

    2. Midpoint $M$ of $P$ and MATH

  2. Standard Equation of circle, center at $(a,b)$ and radius $r:$ MATH

  3. Determine if a graph represents a function.

    1. Method 1: Recall that we can use the vertical line test to check if a graph represents a function.

    2. Method 2: Given an equation, if $y$ can be expressed in terms of $x,$ then the graph represents a function. The graphs of the following examples represent functions.

      1. $y=3x^{2}+1,$

      2. $y=\sqrt{x-1}+1$

      3. $y=\frac{1}{x}$

      4. MATH

  4. Exercises:

  1. $P=(-1,2),$ $Q=(3,4).$

  2. $P$ $=(0,1),Q=(-1,3).$

  3. MATH

  4. $P=(4,5),Q=(3,3).$

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